Posts tagged “별이 지다

MNET M Super Concert

Wheesung performed last November 30 at the KMTV MNET M Super Concert singing 별이 지다 while looking a little more sophisticated (minus the glove) than his usual outfit when promoting this song. Wheesung is getting more handsome each performance whoa~

Conversation in 별이 지다

Wondering what that conversation means in Wheesung’s 별이 지다?  Here is a translation:

In between 1st chorus and next stanza:

Hyori: Yeah, what?
Wheesung: Are you busy now?
Hyori: Right now is a little…
Wheesung: See, there is something I have to say. Later…
Hyori: Hey, I’ll call you back later
Wheesung: (Sigh)

End part of the song: 

Hyori: I’m going into a broadcast right now, so talk fast.
Wheesung: You’re going to be successful, because you’re beautiful.
Take care of yourself and be happy. Bye.
Hyori: …Sorry

Credits to fellow wordpress blogger –>

Performance at KBS Music Bank 11.07.2008

Wheesung has a signature style in promoting this album and specifically the song. The outfit just changes its color combination but for Music Bank, he looks a little more refreshing and handsome.  I like his black hair sided. 

Thanks to 33hany for uploading the Music Bank performance in You Tube that channel keeps me updated on Wheesung’s performances.

This is the last tv performance before the Wheeshow.  Today is the 2nd run of the said concert.  Dying to see even a portion of that concert.  How about Orange Shock releasing a concert DVD? I wish this enters their mind.

Wheesung’s voice is consistent in performing this song and it seems to sound smoother in every performance.   I am posting the lyrics of the song =) no translation yet but it has romanization.  See Lyrics Page.

Performance at SBS Inkigayo

I am so thankful to my Korean friend Sunjung for sending me videos of Wheesung’s performances. Hot from the oven, I got the SBS Inkigayo performance yesterday.  It seems that in every live performance he does, a different video teaser or preview is being used. 

According to some website, 별이 지다 (Byeoli Chida) is a song for Ivy but i really don’t get how they arrive at such conclusion but another website says the song is inspired by the movie ‘Notting Hill’.  I am more inclined to believe this than the Ivy thing (in fact I have some other songs from the album which is possibly for her–do you have the same song in mind =P ).  The teaser from this performance have that Notting Hill feel where Hyori played the Julia Robert’s part.  The song somehow gives that impression too with the dialogues ( I am saving my comments on that for my song review)

This song is not my instant favorite when I listened to the entire album but I am beginning to like it more and more as I listen to it.  I am also writing a review of this song along with the album.

Performance at MBC Music Core 1.11.2008

I love the video that introduced Wheesung on this specific performance.  Just the thought of seeing Wheesung play a happy couple role in a video gets me excited.  There was a part on that video where Wheesung seems to be attempting to carry Hyori with her stomach through his shoulder.

Wheesung is so far consistently performing well… every performance from the time of his comeback makes me feel more comfortable and assured of his voice but at the same time makes me regret that I won’t be seeing Wheeshow.   Keep it of Wheesung… you still the best!

Performance at YDH Love Letter 10.31.2008

Who would have thought that Wheesung underwent vocal surgery?  I finally saw the Yoon Do Hyun performance last October 31.  I am totally swept away with his voice.  I was thinking if he had this surgery prior to launching Eternal Essence of Music, he would be able to sing with ease and much force — 다쳐도 좋아 (Dachyeodo Choha).

Comparing how he sang during 5th album performances…he is 200% better now.  And to compare the MNET performance with this, minus Hyori in video, YDH performance is more interactive and performance-packed.  Doing 안 되나요 (Andwenayo) as an intro never fails to impress the crowd.  No one is getting tired of this song because its already a classic, not to mention the musical arrangement differs on every performance.  Hearing the performance, I fell in-love again but this time 100 times to his voice and music.  Can he always get this better?  Just listen how effortless his singing… hitting those high notes as if he’s just boiling some water on a pot.  There was no faking…the voice is solid all through out.   I love the semi-acoustic part  (from the time he started singing to 2:27) it makes you hear how great his voice is.  How can it be like this — touching my soul this way makes me regret more that I wouldn’t be able to see Wheeshow 2008.

The viewers showed connection with him as well when he sang his new song 별이 지다. It was vocally lighter than 안 되나요 but the falsettos were just to much for me to bear *i just keep on falling in love with the voice*

Third cut of what seems to be his mini concert at YDH showcased 불치병 (Bulchipyeong) and 위드 미 (With Me).  This is the last part and it was a KILLER.  My soul has been scattered watching this part, first because this is the ending of his performance in the show and second, he is truly back in all essence of the word.  I ain’t overacting but happiness is just overflowing that I feel numb for a second. See how he gets a little naugthy after singing 불치병.

I won’t say this is better than 5th album (I am currently writing a review on this mini album) but definitely Wheesung just showed how excellent (not just good) his vocal skills are right now.  He has never shown difficulties in singing unlike before, thought the reception to 사랑은 맛있다 (Love is Delicious) is crazier than 별이 지다 but voice quality and style in the new song *speechless*.  

I love how he looks now… it just suits the new songs he have.  I couldn’t help but notice how his skin is getting nicer.  I still like his fashion style in the 5th album but i think it won’t work with the mini album promotion. For some reasons, his get up seem to compliment the sexiness that this new album is offering.  The connection with the audience is great.  I would have reacted crazy the whole performance had I been sitting in that studio.

Even if the guy beside me gets mad to this last few words i have to say, though I seriously doubt if he understand even a bit of this — 휘성씨 사랑해요!

Credits to 33Hany for all the videos. 고마워요!

Comeback Performance @ MNET

Finally someone did post Wheesung’s come back performance over at MNET.  I have no way of comparing this performance as I have not seen his pilot guesting at Yoon Do Hyun last October 28.  Indeed a totally refreshing song from Wheesung.  Not something bubblegum that the market would instantly appreciate on my opinion.  Thanks to Jaeurazen1 for posting this video at You Tube.  I am dying to see his performance since he came back.  This is 별이 지다 (Byeoli Chida) loose translation is ‘Is a Star’.  The performance features 혀리 (Hyori), check it out

Wheesung has chosen to comeback with 100%  R&B song with a style that some entertainment blogsite commented as girly sound. And do I really expect these bloggers to appreciate such kind of voicing?  Well judging by the comment… NADA!

Shame on those trying hard voices out there trying to cover up singing deficiency with too much stage work… this one is real music sung from the heart and the choreography is just right.  I will be making a review of this song after filling my ears with Wheesung’s voice. 휘성씨 축하합니다!

Note:  지다 actually means losing as in losing the light of sun so in that case 별이 지다 can mean Fading Star (as in losing the brightness of the star).