Posts tagged “6th – With All My Heart and Soul

Wheesung in Pops In Seoul

I nearly got berzerk seeing this You Tube video post from boosaysimback.  How could I ever missed this interview from Pops in Seoul?  I have been watching that show when Wheesung launched his 6th album.  I remember seeing him as an unknown guy over the video ‘Love is Delicious’ from the same show.  Since the song is a bit bubble gum, it did not catch my attention (sorry but I really love Wheesung the R&B singer or Soulful one).

Whoa~ It was so random to miss this.  He is the only singer I have been looking forward to that show (well Big Bang and Taeyang too)  last year and it just slipped from my eyes huhuhu.  Anyway, I am still happy to find this post.  I really love it when he said he is taking care of his voice by being a bit more careful now with his singing but God knows those performance he had last year was just explosive that I wonder if that is already being ‘careful’.

Wheesung says…

So i have been seriously looking at Wheesung’s 6th album for the past 3 days and just have time to see every detail of it today. The pictures that plagued the net is exactly the same pictures inside the album (except for the one below).  This one is certainly sexy specially in the actual picture from the album… the pelvic bone was screaming sexy and i so love his hair style here.

This is not exactly what is inside but there is one shot so similar to this pose... I could also break a glass screaming =P

This is not exactly what is inside but there is one shot so similar to this pose... I could also break a glass screaming =P

Except for the Intro, all the songs lyrics were by Wheesung himself.  The mini album is worth the 10,oooKRW.  It has some grammar slips, it hurts my eyes but the pictures cools it down and the music gets me high.

What strike me most is reading this page of the album:

여리 조상님 존경하는 아버지 사랑하는 어머니 세상에서 제일 이쁜 혁성이
여전히 나만 바라봐주는 My Fan..들(?) ^^

On my limited Korean, he is saying thank you to his ancestor, his father who he respect and his beloved mother who are the best in this world.  He also said thank you to Hyeokseong (Hyoksung) whom he described as pretty… isn’t this his brother?  And of course he said thank you to his fan (s) who still looks at him.  That was a little silly… of course its 들!  You can’t imagine how many are we… and your charm and great voice even touch people from the other side of the world.

Finger Lickin 6th Album

Finally the real thing landed on my itching fingers.  After the long holiday last year — the first week of January brought horrendous work.  I was so toxic that getting Wheesung’s 6th Album became my saving grace.

I have been listening to the music since it was officially out. It’s in my iPod, i know the Korean government will curse me for getting illegal copy but I always buy the real thing — specially its Wheesung’s. 중원씨 아주 고마워요!

I don’t mean to sound stupid but the CD sounds better when played in car than when i use iPOD as source of music– i was really wondering how come the song is crystal quality on CD. 

Anyway it was a pleasant surprise to get the CD two days ago.  And what surprised me more is that the recently banned Choco Luv is actually composed by Wheesung.  Its not just the lyrics but even the music.  Whoa~ impressive!

Fast Facts…6th Album Activities Ended

All the Gayo Daejeon has ended and there is not a single presence of Wheesung from this year-end festivals unlike last year.  It was bit disappointing but I know he’s been into so many concerts-performances this end of year.   Well, I know its all about that ‘not idol type’ thing.  It’s just adding insult to the injury of not being able to watch Wheeshow and Soul Concert…so the frustration and disappointment is coming from chances where I can watch free and immediately.  


This earned silly remarks from All KPop and I am no longer surprised. Bet its fun to watch the entire 'Wondergirl's Hot' cover by Wheesung

This earned silly remarks from All KPop and I am no longer surprised. Bet its fun to watch the entire 'Wondergirl's Hot' cover by Wheesung

So as usual, the long holiday allowed me to check on lots of website for any updates about him and came across some info.  This is a week old now and I am no longer surprised,  one song from Wheesung’s recent album has been banned from being played on-air in South Korea due to its inappropriate lyrics.  You don’t need to guess that hard as I do.  Choco Luv, the very sexy song  will never be played publicly. 

This made me realize how conservative the Korean Government is. I know that the song is a bit suggestive so it’s really unlikely to be promoted but for it to completely be banned from being played on air, never will it happen in my country and other countries as well.  I have all the respect for the Korean government on how they want to screen media, at least the album still get’s to be sold for more mature people to enjoy. 

Too bad I Wheesung’s activities for his 6th Album ended after the Soul Concert in Pusan.  Thanks to Janis from Wheesungland for feeding me some info on his schedule as I am still an outsider to his  Korean forums and sites.  Now that makes me sigh a little.

Good thing is, there are still events to look forward to despite the ending of 6th album promotion — like his birthday this February MAINLY because he promised to give each fan a hug during the Wheeshow — and i badly want that hug! (Thanks to Janis for the tip).  I want Wheesung’s hug too =(

Another thing  to look forward is his 2nd mini album (7th from his entire discography) which is likewise being eyed on February. Got to be in Seoul on February…dying to be in Seoul this February.

Another Soul Concert pic...and the Chinese in Shanghai will get to see something like this.

Another Soul Concert pic...and the Chinese in Shanghai will get to see something like this. Wheesung in white makes a fangirl die a little staring at him... gorgeous.

While this is another thing to look forward to, I just wish I’ll have the luck to get info about it, Wheesung is staging a concert in Shanghai China on February 14 for a one night concert.  Some citizens are born to be lucky and I am dead envious from these Chinese people who will have the chance to  watch Wheesung on a  Valentine’s Day.  Now this makes me think should I say got to be in Shanghai this Valentine?  But I was thinking of the hug… it matters — A LOT.

Conversation in 별이 지다

Wondering what that conversation means in Wheesung’s 별이 지다?  Here is a translation:

In between 1st chorus and next stanza:

Hyori: Yeah, what?
Wheesung: Are you busy now?
Hyori: Right now is a little…
Wheesung: See, there is something I have to say. Later…
Hyori: Hey, I’ll call you back later
Wheesung: (Sigh)

End part of the song: 

Hyori: I’m going into a broadcast right now, so talk fast.
Wheesung: You’re going to be successful, because you’re beautiful.
Take care of yourself and be happy. Bye.
Hyori: …Sorry

Credits to fellow wordpress blogger –>

Mini Concert @ Chocolate

Wheesung has turned his performance in Chocolate into a post Wheeshow mini concert last November 11.  He was wearing one of the clothes that have been heavily ridiculed in the internet by some blog sites. Nevertheless Wheesung was stunningly handsome that day…I just could help but appreciate his skin these days, it looks milky.  

He started the performance with his new single 별이 지다 (Byeoli Chida).  Followed by power ballad rendition of 일년 이면 (Ilnyeon Imyeon – a year passed).  Butterflies were all over my chest and stomach listening to him.  The arrangement of the song in the beginning was really nice.  I wouldn’t have a hunch its Ilnyeon Imyeon until he released the first word.  It was so smooth. 

I wonder if he ever gets tired he just came from Wheeshow for two consecutive days (Nov 8 and 9) and now he is back on stage for With All My Heart and Soul album promotion.  He rocked the staged ending the performance with his hit song ‘With Me’.  The audience could no longer contain their appreciation that they started to stand and dance along with him.  Wheesung has been smiling singing this song as he see how participative the audience were.

He also did 사랑 맛있다 (Sarang Mashitda – Love is Delicious) and rendered an old song ‘Only You’ for an awkward dancing couple.  Wheesung was so funny asking them to kiss towards the last part of the song when he is about to sing the line ‘only’ and to hold on to the kiss until he is done in singing that line.  See interview here.

Performance at KBS Music Bank 11.07.2008

Wheesung has a signature style in promoting this album and specifically the song. The outfit just changes its color combination but for Music Bank, he looks a little more refreshing and handsome.  I like his black hair sided. 

Thanks to 33hany for uploading the Music Bank performance in You Tube that channel keeps me updated on Wheesung’s performances.

This is the last tv performance before the Wheeshow.  Today is the 2nd run of the said concert.  Dying to see even a portion of that concert.  How about Orange Shock releasing a concert DVD? I wish this enters their mind.

Wheesung’s voice is consistent in performing this song and it seems to sound smoother in every performance.   I am posting the lyrics of the song =) no translation yet but it has romanization.  See Lyrics Page.

With All My Heart and Soul – 6th Album Review

With All My Heart and Soul, the 6th album of Wheesung also the first mini has been officially released first week of November.  Wheesung officially promoted this album with him guesting at the Yoon Do Hyun Love Letter Show. 


I had mixed emotions, on the onset I was thrilled that finally I am hearing something new from Wheesung although he filled his fan with single releases (Love Seat and We’re Not Crazy) after Eternal Essence of Music promotion is done.  Watching that comeback performance I was honestly alarmed. I said to my self ‘Oh God this is a good song but is that something that the Korean fans and market would appreciate and get them going to a music store to buy the album?’ 

I started to like Wheesung’s music only mid last year just a few weeks before he launched his new album… I wasn’t even aware he is having one at that time.  I was too engrossed with all his 1st to 4th album songs by the time I watched his performances and MVs I was too overwhelmed how he is loved by audience when he performs.  Love is Delicious was so addicting and it is something new coming from Wheesung who is known to sing sad songs.  So seeing him comeback… I have all the love and appreciation for his performance but was worried this album will not appeal to mass market. As a fan, I of course would love to enjoy his music and at the same time see him be successful in terms of sales as well.  I was too excited to listen and review this new album but I had to take time watching his performances and get the feel of each track so I could say my piece without the ‘spark of the moment’ influence.

Finally get holding of the album content, I listened to each and every track of the 8-track mini album of which only 5 are full songs.  Real Slow Gotta Go Again was the first track, the same music heard over official website as teaser.  I don’t know if it’s just me but I noticed that Intro (as well as Interlude and Outro) to an album is very popular to Korean music CDs nevertheless hearing that teaser and 1st track gave me a hint that it’s going to be all about R&B this time. 


First full song and 2nd track to the album is 완벽한 남자 (Wanbyeokhan Namja – Perfect Man). I instantly liked it.  I love the beat (If you have to take a look at my closet of favorite songs, this kind of rhythm and beat really attracts my ear).   There was not much of that Wheesung signature style (He described this style in Kang Ho Dong’s Star King singing side by side with Lee Seung Gi).  Another type of song that you will love to play while driving, it’s very smooth makes me think of Craig David songs.  He doesn’t belt much when he sings but you would very well pay attention to how put life to the lyrics of his songs.  As of this writing, this is my FAVORITE SONG in this album. 

The carrier single (song that is initially used to promote the album) is the 2nd track ‘이별이 지다…’ (Ibyeoli Chida – Fading Star).  Definitely another R&B song but listening closely to the music, this got some jazz undertone to it but definitely soulful in singing style.  I think the piano at the start and the back up vocals gave that jazzy feel to the music.  The way Wheesung started the music reminds me of great black singers who does that ~whoaaaa~ in style like James Ingram.  Wheesung can disguise as a black singer with his singing abilities – he just have to get that striking American accent (twang as some may colloquially call it).  I don’t have much confidence on this song until I heard it over and over.  Initially I think the rhythm and beat is vanilla and except from I think 2 great vocal demonstrations (the start and the come back my star part); there is really nothing much in the song.  Watching him perform makes me sad… he had a good choreography for such type of song.  This is because I was thinking without that live performance people will not listen to the music.  I pity those artists who just have to double their effort dancing to sell their song and Wheesung is definitely not that type.  But I don’t know if I innately like him because as time passes the music is growing in me.  I like it because it’s so light and fluidly sung (I hate to use communication terms but fluid is seamless in construction of thoughts I just have to use that analogy for lack of technical terms in music).  This is not an instant favorite from the album but seeing that MV and performance… Wheesung just gave this song a pull so people can take time to listen and enjoy the song.  I must admit Hyori’s presence helped set attention to this song.


The interlude as I have always been writing is cheesy to my ears but romantic.  I just love the thought that Wheesung is coupled in this album, if there is story behind it.  For no reason at all I find my self smiling and happy listening to their conversation.  Maybe this is because I would want to see Wheesung enjoying a relationship.  My goodness, Wheesung’s voice can be sexy even while plainly conversing.  Hyori sounded like a sweetheart to Wheesung.  A lot of non Korean speaking fan out there are too curious as to what’s their conversation like.  Unfortunately I could not understand it too, I would be able to say the meaning when I read the conversation (I am still poor in listening as the words may be pronounced differently). I definitely like it when Hyori called Wheesung.  Sounds like a damsel in distress =P 

Choco Luv is the sexiest song I ever heard from Wheesung!  This is too much of black soulful R&B and I was laughing out loud inside.  Our shy guy Wheesung pulling that Usher sexy and s*x suggestive type of songs is explosive, something comparable to Nice and Slow.  I just love how old school this R&B is.  I am guessing this is going to be the follow through single from 이별이 지다… and as early as now I could not imagine what MV is done for this song. I am not prepared for a full sexy Wheesung -that’s got to be too much to handle. I hope nothing overboard is done when he performs or in the MV not a next Junjin please.  This song more than the sexy lyrics sell itself with the way it was sung if you are an R&B lover I know you would get what I mean.  Well knowing the conservative Korean market I wonder how netizens would react to the slurping sound, I was a little taken a back with it not because my head gets a little dirty.  The interlude, Choco Luv and this sound….아이구(aigoo)


Prayer for the Soul I think will be one of those songs which will not be given ample attention.  Well I just have this feeling.  It’s R&B that sounds soul and a little ballad at the same time.  Lyn did a good job collaborating with Wheesung.  This song reminded me of the underrated Love Hero of the 5th album.  Lyn was just as good as J in this music.  I love her voice complimenting on Wheesung’s.  This song is something that you can play in a ball or hotel type party, its good for dancing… the type when you hold your partner near you and sway along with it while whispering something sweet.  But this is of course disregarding the lyrics of the song.  While everybody is guessing that Fading Star is for Ivy I was thinking this is probably Wheesung’s song for her but then again I think the next one is probably more appropriate – thinking how he felt when he got hurt with that failed and ‘ended so distastefully’ kind of relationship.

Another song which may be overpowered or overshadowed in this album is 나락 (Narak – Hell).  I was surprised with such title. Never an album with a very lonely song in lyrics and music. This song got an acoustic flavor with the guitar dominating the instrument.  If there is any song in this album where most of Wheesung soul went into, I think this is it. It’s something that I would not listen to when I am depressed.  I will surely be lonely to death… same feeling that a neophyte smoker would get on his first few sticks.  You get that down feeling.  On another note, the song is suitable as well when you want to reflect on something. This is the number one WITH ALL MY HEART AND SOUL song in this album on my opinion.

The last track is just an instrumental of 이별이 지다… This time it’s something that you will play on a lounge while waiting for guest to arrive in an event.


So how was the album from my highly opinionated view?

Overall I was a bit disappointed in this album.  Not because of anything else but it doesn’t deserve to be mini.  With All Wheesung’s Heart and Soul is definitely more than the 5 full songs in the album.  I always want more of his music.  Nevertheless all the songs were soulfully sung by Wheesung.  I am not really much privy to his relationships except for the one that was heavily publicized, but the songs in the album did dwell on the different facets of love — both loving and hurting or  simple happiness and pain that goes with it.  Just like when I made a review on the 5th album while listening to it a bit late, it was a grand display of all Wheesung’s vocal skills and ability to sing in different music genre thus its called Eternal Essence of Music. On my personal opinion, this album is entitled that way, it is because as  what I mentioned earlier wrapped what’s in Wheesung’s heart –his collective experience in love may it be filial, eros or the usual romantic one; nonetheless his voice giving soul to it.  

Orange Shock in what seems to be an official statement released to press said, that this album is meant to be enjoyed more by listening. When I saw the comeback performance, my ears is agreeing with such statement but my mind is not.  The come back performance is not explosive as the 5th one so this is suppose to justify that statement, I mean Wheesung singing a happy song for the very first time and with a fashion style that any nuna and ajumma will surely love and now on this album it was just a performance with Wheesung singing and some nice choreography but why is Hyori there?  I had to take some orange juice to replenish beta carotene and eat some peanuts to feed my brain, I almost forgot Orange shock is a company and not some NGO and at the end of the day this album needs to sell so Hyori will surely help catch attention.  After much thinking they are sure right about this.  Hyori’s presence was strategic as it draws attention to the song and will make you listen to the rest of it.  If by some stroke of luck you might dip deeper and be curious as to Wheesung’s love life and if again by stroke of  luck that you are a person who is not blinded by her ‘all about Hyori’s hotness thing’, you will then realize the songs are pleasant to listen to. So it’s all about the heart and soul of Wheesung wrapped in the album.  The girl featured n the album can be any other gorgeous or nice looking girl out there but Hyori makes a difference – curiosity wise.  Not to mention Wheesung did help her in her U Go Girl album.  

My bottom line is only a (R&B) music lover can purely enjoy this album and grow fond of it day by day. Those who got curious of Hyori’s role in the album may pay attention to the album because it’s all about Hyori for them but maybe a portion of this fan base maybe able to realize – damn good Wheesung.  He is really one of the bests that Korea has.

Over the years of listening to various artists, most of those who stayed in the business for quite a longer time are those who are:

  • tremendously talented singer/musician people cannot ignore the fact that they are best at what they do; then
  • there are those who continue to have the luck in getting a good piece to sing and work hard on it every launch; backed by a company that knows how to sell the singer and the song; and lastly
  • the person who is like the first bullet and in most occasions has the second thus they are legendary-people like them because they can appreciate almost anything that they sing or perform. They may not always top the chart but they exist until they cease to do so. 

Wheesung is at his prime both career wise and as person and he will still be at it if he continues to be good this way in next years to come, currently I think he is in bullet 1.  Definitely I want to see him just like how I described a singer performer in the 3rd bullet.  So what is my point?  I am suppose to make an album review — well those who like Wheesung even before this album will like this music because they like Wheesung the talent.  I know many thinks he is really one excellent singer but he is in the entertainment business you need to have the album sell and there maybe times that you need to take on help from fellow superstar at least to get endorsements or attention. Therefore, if someone will listen to this regardless if he or she is a new fan of Wheesung or drawn to it because they were initially a Hyori fan who got interested in Wheesung’s music… You can very well appreciate this album if you will take time to listen to his past music as well.  It is an album that will not instantly appeal to a bubblegum music dominated market (so Hyori is such a help on getting some attention to this album).  This album I believe is geared towards his maturity as a singer.  

Great singers, who stayed in the business for as long as they can, endured a lot of challenges to be more creative so they can showcase what they can do other than hitting those high notes or doing those fancy singing styles.  Just like Wheesung who started showing his vocal skills in earlier albums, his music is growing and evolving. He have tried out different genres from the past and he proved it well on his 5th album.  Now in this 6th album there is no more trying to show I am vocally talented and I can reach the highest notes in my songs etc.  There isn’t much belting just the quality of the voice, rendition and nice music.  Enjoy it as is.

Byeoli Chida (별이 지다) MV is Out!

Now the teasers can be put together like a puzzle.  The Official Music Video of 별이 지다  (Byeoli Chida – Fading Star) is out and as everyone is anticiapating, Hyori is ‘lady’ love of Wheesung in the video. 

What do I have to say?

I am totally mesmerized with this video.  As soon as I heard the interlude in the 6th album, i knew that the video would definitely feature them as lovers.  It’s so refreshing to see Wheesung with a girl on a video specially its someone as hot as Hyori.  I was just a bit disappointed because I was already expecting for a  ‘Notting Hill’ inspired video story.  Well in someway it does because of Hyori seeming to portray the role of Julia Roberts and Wheesung as Hugh Grant but Notting Hill is a happy story while the MV is tragic at the end.  I thought there ain’t going to be a sad part on the video but come to think of it the lyrics of the song will not match though a totally Happy MV.  The first conversation when Wheesung called was like asking Hyori if she is still busy.  So the story was like a love taken for granted. 

Sad to be a a boyfriend to a star...specially when you are just one plain unknown guy.

Sad to be a a boyfriend to a star...specially when you are just one plain unknown guy.

The second conversation was like Wheesung wishing her to be happy and then said goodbye. (Made these translation in my limited capacity to understand Korean).

But instead of dwelling on the sad part which I hope was just patterned to the feel good ending of Notting Hill… most of the shots show Wheesung and Hyori’s happy time together.  I know Hyori is a bit senior than Wheesung but they look good together.  They seem to be very comfortable when the video was shot.

Hyori was a pleasant surprise to be Wheesung's girlfriend on this MV...they look good together =)

Hyori was a pleasant surprise to be Wheesung's girlfriend.

Well for the longest time I wanted to see Wheesung in a video having such a nice time with another lady.  I wanted to see him in an ‘in-love mode’, and this video is perfect (minus the ending). 
Couple smile =) awwwww

Couple smile =) awwwww

There wasn’t any kissing on the video but it was totally sweet — the time together part.  They even hugged in one scene.  Such  blissful memories in real life could be hard to forget.
I wish I was hugging him too =P

I wish I was hugging him too =P

Pain could actually drive a person to end his life.  Oh well i guess its been a trade mark for Wheesung to show such dark side of being in-love but the good thing is the MV are showing blissfull moments as well.. and more of it.

I was reading through comments on the new MV and I am glad a lot of people are loving it.  There are also raging comments on how smoking sexy Hyori is and she is indeed.  There were also comments that this MV helped Wheesung a lot.   Well I may have to agree specially to those type of fan out there who thinks its all in the video but for music lovers (specifically R&B) … the song it self cannot be underrated musicality and vocal rendition wise.  To me the MV was like an additive to fuel up the interest on the song and Hyori was definitely a sweet taste added.   It just dawned on me that some people can be like IT WAS ALL ABOUT HYORI… that got me confused what is being sold is the music not the MV.  For helping Wheesung in this video… I wouldn’t retaliate that bad on some of those comments from Hyori’s fans.  I hope they stop saying who  is lucky and who doesn’t deserve who… I mean Wheesung doesn’t look bad and even if Hyori is the queen of hotness in Korea that doesn’t easily equate to Wheesung being lucky to have her in the video (or for real life if  such delusions exist).  Wheesung is known to be a well mannered man, a real talent and gorgeous in his own right. 

How the hell would this face would look like JYP?

How the hell would this face would look like JYP?

What I couldn’t resist on throwing a dragon ballz into those netizens who irritably comment that Wheesung looked like JYP. For whatever reason they are saying this…for fun, for attention blah, i think they are getting vitamin A deficiency.  Come on!  That face is no way similar to a gorilla… the style maybe very different nowadays but nevertheless its always better than what the gorilla is sporting. Wheesung is every inch better than JYP (not unless we discuss money here).

So as not to spoil my happiness over this wonderful video…i’d like to think that Wheesung is inspired nowadays.  Hopefully he is at that blissful part of a relationship (I keep on thinking he is inlove nowadays) and he deserves to be happy.  So for this MV—GO for it Wheesung make it to number 1 soon.  I am writing a review of this carrier song and its growing on me more each day… the video likewise made it more interesting to listen to the music over and over.  While it may be a bit hateful to have that tragic ending… it creates drama and the portion when Wheesung just have to run and jump off — great shot!  and when I say great shot I mean technically.

휘성 파이팅!

Note: Thanks to 33Hany for the MV.

Performance at SBS Inkigayo

I am so thankful to my Korean friend Sunjung for sending me videos of Wheesung’s performances. Hot from the oven, I got the SBS Inkigayo performance yesterday.  It seems that in every live performance he does, a different video teaser or preview is being used. 

According to some website, 별이 지다 (Byeoli Chida) is a song for Ivy but i really don’t get how they arrive at such conclusion but another website says the song is inspired by the movie ‘Notting Hill’.  I am more inclined to believe this than the Ivy thing (in fact I have some other songs from the album which is possibly for her–do you have the same song in mind =P ).  The teaser from this performance have that Notting Hill feel where Hyori played the Julia Robert’s part.  The song somehow gives that impression too with the dialogues ( I am saving my comments on that for my song review)

This song is not my instant favorite when I listened to the entire album but I am beginning to like it more and more as I listen to it.  I am also writing a review of this song along with the album.

Performance at MBC Music Core 1.11.2008

I love the video that introduced Wheesung on this specific performance.  Just the thought of seeing Wheesung play a happy couple role in a video gets me excited.  There was a part on that video where Wheesung seems to be attempting to carry Hyori with her stomach through his shoulder.

Wheesung is so far consistently performing well… every performance from the time of his comeback makes me feel more comfortable and assured of his voice but at the same time makes me regret that I won’t be seeing Wheeshow.   Keep it of Wheesung… you still the best!

Performance at YDH Love Letter 10.31.2008

Who would have thought that Wheesung underwent vocal surgery?  I finally saw the Yoon Do Hyun performance last October 31.  I am totally swept away with his voice.  I was thinking if he had this surgery prior to launching Eternal Essence of Music, he would be able to sing with ease and much force — 다쳐도 좋아 (Dachyeodo Choha).

Comparing how he sang during 5th album performances…he is 200% better now.  And to compare the MNET performance with this, minus Hyori in video, YDH performance is more interactive and performance-packed.  Doing 안 되나요 (Andwenayo) as an intro never fails to impress the crowd.  No one is getting tired of this song because its already a classic, not to mention the musical arrangement differs on every performance.  Hearing the performance, I fell in-love again but this time 100 times to his voice and music.  Can he always get this better?  Just listen how effortless his singing… hitting those high notes as if he’s just boiling some water on a pot.  There was no faking…the voice is solid all through out.   I love the semi-acoustic part  (from the time he started singing to 2:27) it makes you hear how great his voice is.  How can it be like this — touching my soul this way makes me regret more that I wouldn’t be able to see Wheeshow 2008.

The viewers showed connection with him as well when he sang his new song 별이 지다. It was vocally lighter than 안 되나요 but the falsettos were just to much for me to bear *i just keep on falling in love with the voice*

Third cut of what seems to be his mini concert at YDH showcased 불치병 (Bulchipyeong) and 위드 미 (With Me).  This is the last part and it was a KILLER.  My soul has been scattered watching this part, first because this is the ending of his performance in the show and second, he is truly back in all essence of the word.  I ain’t overacting but happiness is just overflowing that I feel numb for a second. See how he gets a little naugthy after singing 불치병.

I won’t say this is better than 5th album (I am currently writing a review on this mini album) but definitely Wheesung just showed how excellent (not just good) his vocal skills are right now.  He has never shown difficulties in singing unlike before, thought the reception to 사랑은 맛있다 (Love is Delicious) is crazier than 별이 지다 but voice quality and style in the new song *speechless*.  

I love how he looks now… it just suits the new songs he have.  I couldn’t help but notice how his skin is getting nicer.  I still like his fashion style in the 5th album but i think it won’t work with the mini album promotion. For some reasons, his get up seem to compliment the sexiness that this new album is offering.  The connection with the audience is great.  I would have reacted crazy the whole performance had I been sitting in that studio.

Even if the guy beside me gets mad to this last few words i have to say, though I seriously doubt if he understand even a bit of this — 휘성씨 사랑해요!

Credits to 33Hany for all the videos. 고마워요!

Comeback Performance @ MNET

Finally someone did post Wheesung’s come back performance over at MNET.  I have no way of comparing this performance as I have not seen his pilot guesting at Yoon Do Hyun last October 28.  Indeed a totally refreshing song from Wheesung.  Not something bubblegum that the market would instantly appreciate on my opinion.  Thanks to Jaeurazen1 for posting this video at You Tube.  I am dying to see his performance since he came back.  This is 별이 지다 (Byeoli Chida) loose translation is ‘Is a Star’.  The performance features 혀리 (Hyori), check it out

Wheesung has chosen to comeback with 100%  R&B song with a style that some entertainment blogsite commented as girly sound. And do I really expect these bloggers to appreciate such kind of voicing?  Well judging by the comment… NADA!

Shame on those trying hard voices out there trying to cover up singing deficiency with too much stage work… this one is real music sung from the heart and the choreography is just right.  I will be making a review of this song after filling my ears with Wheesung’s voice. 휘성씨 축하합니다!

Note:  지다 actually means losing as in losing the light of sun so in that case 별이 지다 can mean Fading Star (as in losing the brightness of the star).

Finally the Schedule in Decent Alphabet

I don’t know what’s the trouble with my browser but the schedule of Wheesung’s appearances and guestings on Korean TV as posted on posted on his Orange Shock website won’t appear as they should on my screen.  Garbled characters appeared.   So I am reposting the actual schedule (I just guessed on some of the shows on my last post):

[08.10.28] KBS Loveletter 러브레터 녹화
[08.10.29] KBS Saida 사이다 녹화
[08.10.30] Mnet M countdown 엠카운트다운
[08.10.31] SBS Sixsense Match 육감대결 녹화
[08.11.01] SBS Chocolate 초콜릿 녹화
[08.11.01] MBC Music core 음악중심
[08.11.02] SBS Inkigayo 인기가요
[08.11.03] KBS Star Goldenbell 스타골든벨 녹화
[08.11.05] MBC Schinso 스친소 녹화
[08.11.07] KBS Musicbank 뮤직뱅크
[08.11.11] KBS Champagne 샴페인 녹화

Thanks to Sunjung for sending me the actual schedules (선정씨 고마워요!).  Good thing we have KBS Global at home so I can watch at least Star Golden Bell with Sub titles…can’t wait for November 3 then.  I thought Wheesung will be too harassed with that schedule but seeing the titles, some are recorded so he can still rest for his upcoming concert.  I wonder how was the performance last night over at Yoon Do Hyun’s Love Letter Show.

2nd Teaser is Up!

Another teaser has been posted on the official website of Wheesung.  Just when I thought the first one is the would be album cover…another one has been released which is worth becoming the album cover too.

another potential would be album cover of Wheesung's 6th album

another potential would be album cover of Wheesung's upcoming album

The pictures are getting better each time I visit his site.  A new video (2nd so far) is likewise posted.  I am pretty sure it will again garner some Wheesung bashing remarks specially portions when his eye was on close-up with some sort of black smudges around it .  There was also a scene where he appears to be rising from the wall.  I will bet there will be a new set of Whee-bashing remarks about it.  Wheesung showed some sexiness on that video — i love the portion when he looks down in a side view shot, this is really his best angle.

Keep it coming Wheesung.  Counting days on your comeback…3 days to go!

The Ring…and the Teaser

I have been frequenting the Orange Shock website just to listen and watch that Wheesung Comeback 1st video teaser.  I am wanting to hear the intro more and more.  R-E-A-L Slow gotta go….  He obviously lost weight, from that video…his cheekbones are prominent. 
I always love his side profile...pic snapped from the actual video

I always love his side profile...pic snapped from the actual video

I just noticed his ring has been on focused not just once but twice.  Looks like a chinese character i just don’t know if this is his name in Hanja.  I wonder what’s the significance of the said ring. 

First close up of the that his name or what???

First close up of the that his name or what???

2nd focus on his ring...curious with this.

2nd focus on his ring...curious with this.

Couldn’t get enough of him…listening to the video teaser over and over, i love the voicing so smooth and clear.

With All My Heart and Soul

With All My Heart and Soul — this is probably the title of the 6th album of Wheesung.  A new teaser about his comeback is already available in his official Orange Shock Website (Just click on the link on the blogroll on the right side of this page -it may change as soon as the next teaser is out).

6th Album Cover????

6th Album Cover????

Looking at the official picture which is probably part of the album cover (or must be the album cover),  I must admit he really lost weight just by looking at the cut of his pants… he normally sports a straight cut pants and shows a fuller thighs but here this skinny type cut make me think the thighs are all toned muscles now and he looks quite more slender compared to 5th album launch (considering he is V-line already). 

One thing I am surely loving isthat jet black hair and that hair cut.  His hair must have grown fast, it used to be a lot shorter during the recent Japan concert. 

The schedule of  his guestings over at some shows are already available from his site.  Wheesung’s first comeback appearance on TV will be at KBS on October 28.  He’ll be at SBS on October 31 and at MBC on November 1.  The fonts are not dsiplaying on my screen properly so I could only guess on the schedule as follows:

  • Oct 28 – KBS Show (either Music Bank or Yoon Do Hyun)
  • Oct 29 – KBS Show (eitherMusic Bank or Yoon Do Hyun)
  • Oct 30 –  Completey unreadable (I am guessing its  at MNET)
  • Oct 31 – SBS Inkigayo
  • Nov 01 – MBC Music Core and SBS
  • Nov 02 – SBS
  • Nov 03 – KBS
  • Nov 04 – surprisingly no schedule (Wheeoppa is most likely resting)
  • Nov 05 – back in MBC
  • Nov 07 – back to KBS
  • Nov 08 – first WheeShow (which I am terribly lonely that I will be missing); he’ll have 7 concerts, last of which will be on December 14.

Hearing the background song from the video shared on his website, i was thinking, that could be the intro (his album normally has one) Whew~ talking about ‘real music’ –great one. I have noticed how ‘slim’ he is, the cheekbones are prominent but the nice chest hidden under that sweater also shows.  He must have toned his body well for this comeback.

If this is indeed the album title well fans will surely be waiting for something soooo good.  Just imagine the passion from his voice when its coming out with all his heart and soul…. oh my~ I couldn’t wait for it.  Nothing surreal about the title very Wheesung i must say and at least its not even some stupid album cover like <blank>-ish or <blank>-ism.  Give me a break… only legendary people can add this up on their name or at least someone so original or great on something (and could be dead).  At least Wheesung is still keeping it ‘real’.  Just don’t mind some of the playful and adventurous fashion style.